<head> Jim Pallas

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Dreamlines for Vinnie   (2018) large sculpture/painting hybrid
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fund raising sculptures that pay for themselves

Vincent Says...
stick it in my ear.

Griot Knowbot
quips for coins at the
Detroit Science Center.

toads croak
for cash at zoos.

Arta Fundi
automated fund raising.

Other Public Interactive Sculptures:

Century of Light
World's 1st outdoors electronic interactive public sculpture
Brochuri Putinhereicus
recycles pamphlets at the zoo
Nose Wazoo
nudges visitors (and friends)

world's earliest telephone art!
Farmer Jack
early interactive corporate  sculpture

Mirror Artworks
interaction by reflection

Political Sculptures:

The Senate Piece:
inputs politics: outputs art. 
confounds tax lawyers. 

"E Pluribus Unum":
" I saw red...".
Money versus Art

Sentimental Sculptures:

Image of
                  Legacy of Faygel and Yishiah;
Siren Heart :
Home and family living
Hitchikers :
Plywood dopplegangers on the roads.
Legacy of Faygel and Yishiah
Living history embedded in keepsakes
Song for Luke :
Electronic multiple with ancient references.



Northcourt Tubedance
binary worms dream digital flies. 

Northcourt Tubedance
Giant shapes invade the Detroit Institute of Arts


blows banana air as it watches 
the stairs at a science museum


Objects of Desire:

 Trash Fish
fresh from the lake
bumpy close ups
transplanted and cloned
Intellectual Tools and Fetishes
power instruments for the mental worker
 Musical Horns
anyone can play.

Genetic Coda:

Biography and Self Portraits


jim (AT) jpallas.com
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